
Idlib: Terrorists Suffer Heavy Defeat in Second Round of Large-Scale Attacks on Syrian Army


The Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) and its terrorist allies launched a second round of large-scale offensives on Sunday to take revenge for their recent defeats in Southeastern Idlib, but failed to prevail over the Army positions.

The army men engaged in tough battle with the Al-Nusra and the Islamic al-Turkistani Islamic Party along al-Mosheirefeh-Atshan and Astablat-Rabi’eh roads in Southeastern Idlib.

Military sources said that the army retreated from several positions under the terrorists’ heavy offensive temporarily.

The sources added that the army men, supported by the Syrian Air Force and army’s artillery and missile units, repelled the attacks.

The terrorist groups suffered heavy casualties in the airstrikes and artillery fire and were forced back again.

A sum of 30 terrorists, including field Commander of Jund al-Malahem Abu Mohammad Sahal, were killed in the failed attacks.

Well-informed sources reported earlier today that Qasoura Malahem, a senior field commander of Jeish al-Malahem was killed in the recent clashes with the Syrian Army troops in Southeastern Idlib.

Qasoura Malahem, a Jund al-Malahem commander and a former commander of Jund al-Aqsa, was killed a tough battle with the army men in Southeastern Idlib, the sources said.

In the meantime, the militant-affiliated sources confirmed that the terrorist groups suffered heavy defeats in their offensives on army positions in Northern Hama and Southeastern Idlib.

The failed attacks, codenamed as Rad al-Toqyan and En Allah Ala Nasrahom al-Qadir, failed to stop the advances of the government troops.

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