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Peace activist: Time to stop Israeli war crimes

CODEPINK activist Rae Abileah was taken to George Washington University Hospital in Washington D.C. after having been assaulted and tackled to the ground by AIPAC members of the audience in the House Gallery during Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

“I was shouting the truth about what’s going on in Israel, it’s time to stop Israeli war crimes and the occupation and the siege of Gaza and the settlements; the occupation is really indefensible,” Rae Abileah told Press TV’s U.S. Desk in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

“There were hundreds of people who came together for a big event in Washington D.C. called ‘Move Over AIPAC’ that’s moveoveraipac.org. We are all promoting peace and justice in the region contrary to what Netanyahu presented yesterday (May 24) to the U.S. government and I think it’s appalling that (the) U.S. government is going to condone and support war crimes and occupation and even to pay for it,” Abileah added.

“I hope to press charges against the people who assaulted me and my next move is to encourage people all across the United States to oppose Israeli war crimes and to really take this opportunity right now to take action for justice and specifically to support economic action against the Israeli government and against settlement corporations,” Abileah concluded.

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