
Syrian Defense Minister inspects troops before offensive in northwest Syria

The Syrian Defense Minister General ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Ayoub traveled to northwest Syria, yesterday, to inspect his forces before they begin their long-awaited offensive.

Upon the direction of President Bashar Al-Assad, General Ayoub traveled to the Hama, Idlib, and Latakia governorates on Saturday in order to meet with the commanders in northwest Syria and inspect the Syrian Army troops.

During the visit, General Ayoub lauded the morale of the Syrian Army and delivered a speech honoring their sacrifices.

“The achievements of our valiant armed forces in fighting terrorism have passed down many lessons and skills that prove the army’s fortitude and mettle in the face of adversities.”

Over the last two months, the Syrian Arab Army has been building up their forces in the Hama, Idlib, and Latakia governorates.

With thousands of soldiers already deployed to this front, the Syrian Arab Army is expected to kickoff their offensive once the Turkey and Russia conclude their talks on Idlib.

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