
Syrian Army kills foreign jihadist commander in southern Idlib

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recently killed a high-ranking foreign jihadist commander in the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate.

According to Sputnik Arabic, the Syrian Arab Army killed the leader of the terrorist group “Ajnad al-Kavkaz” (Soldiers of the Caucasus) during a fierce battle in southern Idlib.

The commander of Ajnad Al-Kavkaz, Abu Al-Bara al-Kavkazi, was said to have been killed when his forces stormed the Syrian Arab Army’s positions near the Abu Dhuhour Miilitary Airport in southern Idlib.

Local sources said that Abu Al-Bara al-Kavkazi was first transferred to a medical center in Khan Sheikhoun after sustaining critical wounds.

He would later be pronounced dead after the doctors failed to revive him.

The jihadist ringleader had participated in several previous battles against the Syrian Arab Army, including the Jaysh Al-Fateh offensive in the Idlib Governorate in the Spring of 2015.

Ajnad al-Kavkaz is a Chechen-led rebel group that is currently active in northern Syria, primarily in the mountainous, forested areas of the Latakia Governorate.

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