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Insane Clinton doesn’t rule out running in 2020

Former US secretary of state and 2016 presidential aspirant, Hillary Clinton, does not rule out contesting presidency again in the upcoming elections.

CNN’s White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny spoke of the likelihood on the network’s Inside Politics program on Sunday.

“Clinton is telling people that she’s not closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020,” he said.

“I’m told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that look, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying ‘look, I’m not closing the doors to this.'”

Several former associates of President Donald Trump, to whom Clinton lost out in the previous elections, have been indicted in a probe by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller into allegations that members of Trump’s electoral campaign team colluded with Russia to sway the 2016 elections in his favor.

Most recently, the investigation resulted in the indictment of Trump’s longtime adviser Stone on seven counts.

Still addressing the prospect that Clinton will stand in the 2020 elections, Zeleny, however, noted, “It does not mean that there’s a campaign-in-waiting, or a plan in the works.”

He also cited one close Clinton friend as saying, “it would surprise me greatly if she actually did it.”

Clinton won the popular vote over Trump in 2016, and said last October that she would “like to be president.”

In addition to lagging behind Clinton in popularity on the election trail, Trump would resort to a highly controversial campaign strategy that, pundits would say, was compromising his chances of victory. The attitude featured him using an unconventional language that contradicted Washington’s long-tem standpoints and allegiances, including discourse, in which he would routinely woo Russian and China.

The overall circumstances governing the pre-elections atmosphere have turned his ultimate victory into a source of wonder for those ruling out any chances of his triumph.

Trump has, meanwhile, expressed confidence that the Democrats would repeat their loss in the next polls.

Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Kamala Harris, Democratic senators from Massachusetts, New York, and California, have so far announced their bid to run in the race.

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