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Video- Occupy DC protesters shutdown K Street

On horseback, Washington metropolitan police Wednesday pushed back occupiers blocking the streets of downtown Washington DC.

It was a chaotic, cold. rainy, tense day filled with ongoing confrontationsbetween DC police and demonstrators. Thousands of Occupiers shut down K Street NW where numerous lobbying firms are based, blocking intersections for hours. Although the numbers are preliminary, a D.C. police commander estimated as many as 70 people were arrested. Many of them charged with obstruction of a public highway.

Occupiers chanted the whole world is watching, as demonstrators were dragged off by police. The K Street Corridor is one of the busiest sections in downtown Washington. The large number of protesters and police barricades made traffic a nightmare. Police warned occupiers to move from the streets before they were arrested.

Protesters from across the country joined OccupyDC bused in by The Service Employees International Union, one of the biggest labor unions in the country. Occupy DC organizer Damian Bascom says the movement is taking steps to unite occupiers in cities across the nation.

Occupy Wall Street has been protesting against corporate greed and the role of money in politics for several month.This protest is part of a week of planned events by OccupyDC called “Take Back The Capitol”. Demonstrators are planning a mass march on Capitol Hill Thursday and a prayer vigil for unemployed Americans.

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