
Chinese Intelligence: $36 Million for Cinema Project To Emulate Toppling Al-Assad

The Chinese Intelligence revealed Monday details of the largest intelligence operation carried out by the film company “Metro Goldwyn Mayer” in US famous Hollywood studios to serve political agendas.

A spokesman for the Chinese Intelligence Service Zonko Kingpau unveiled that “this project aims to film cinema operations showing scenes that look similar to the fake process of toppling the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.”
In an interview with the Second Russian Channel, the spokesman of the Intelligence agency Col. “Ishma Songa” clarified that “the Chinese Intelligence received information from within the company that the “Asa Des Duck Riley” company in US Philadelphia, Nevada is the main producer of the scenes.”
“The scenes dubbed as “Resounding Fall” intend to ultimately weaken the morale of members of the Syrian Arab Army and people loyal to President Bashar al-Assad,” he added.

According to the Chinese official, the scenes include real size models of the Republican Palace, Qassioun Mountain, Damascus International Airport, Abbasids playground, National Leadership Building, Umayyads and the Abbasids Squares, Seven Bahrat, al-Assad Library, President’s bridge in Damascus as well as the Conscience military airport, and one of the farms belonging to a senior officer.
“All this aims to draw scenes of a real scenario, “the fall of the regime,” Songa said.

He also told the channel that “the project includes scenes of the defection of senior military officers and politicians inside Syria.”
“Famous actors have participated in the filming of some of those scenes while producers seek to reflect scenes of some of the officers through the three-dimensional techniques,” Songa added.

In parallel, Songa informed the channel that ” the project is financed by $ 36 billion paid by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt and Tunisia in addition to contributions from both Iraq and Morocco.”

“The broadcast schedule will coincide with the banning all pro-Syrian satellite channels in Syria, Lebanon and the Islamic Republic of Iran, ” he explained and noted that “this is part of an accelerated political scheme, which is expected to mature before the middle of next August.”
Songa commented on the project by saying: “What is happening confirms the existence of a global plot against China’s brotherly state, the Syrian Arab Republic.”

“China won’t leave the Syrian regime face the international conspiracy alone. However, it will provide a huge moral support in order to fend off the effects of the plot,” he confirmed.

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