
Zionist Occupation raids the Bustan neighborhood in Silwan

Israeli occupation municipality officials broke into the Bustan neighborhood in Silwan town in Jerusalem on Monday morning and handed a number of residents demolition orders.

Fakhri Abu Diab, a member of the Committee for the Defense of the Bustan neighborhood, said in a press statement that the officials handed over to the citizens new administrative demolition orders for their houses after raiding them.

The Israeli municipality had issued earlier decisions to demolish 88 houses in the Bustan neighborhood in order to establishment a biblical Park in their place.

The Israeli court had issued a decision requiring postponing the demolition of 32 houses in the Bustan neighborhood to June 1st 2013, however, the Israeli municipality demanded canceling this decision and issuing immediate demolition orders for these houses.

The lawyer Ziad Qawar described, the municipality’s step as a racist attempt to demolish the Bustan neighborhood and judaize it and to expand the settlement of the “City of David” in an attempt to change the facts on ground.

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