
Fleeing Terrorists Hit Hard in Syrian Airstrike in Idlib Province


The Syrian Air Force bombed heavily a military convoy of Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) terrorists that were escaping from a key airbase in Southeastern Idlib on Tuesday.

The warplanes, tipped off by the intelligence agents, targeted a convoy of Al-Nusra vehicles with a large volume of arms and ammunition escaping the terrorist-held Abu al-Dhohour airbase in Southeastern Idlib.

Field sources reported that three military vehicles destroyed and a number of militants were killed in the raid.

The sources further said that the Syrian Army troops have reached South of Abu al-Dhohour airbase after their rapid advances on Tuesday.

Military sources said earlier today that the terrorists were driven out of three more regions in Southeastern Idlib within the framework of the Syrian Army troops to liberate the strategic Abu al-Dhohour airbase.

The army men, backed up by the artillery and missile units, continued to target the defense lines of Al-Nusra in Southeastern Idlib and captured the villages of Nafileh, Sarouj and Um Tamakh in their push towards Abu al-Dhohour military airport.

The army men killed and wounded a large number of militants and destroyed their equipment in the clashe

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