
Bidding Farewell to Al-Manar Martyrs Today

Bidding Farewell to Al-Manar Martyrs Today

Bidding farewell to colleagues at al-Manar TV, who were martyred on Monday in the Syrian town of Maaloula, is to take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Funeral of reporter Hamza al-Hajj Hasan is to take off Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. near Dar al-Hikmeh Hospital in Baalbek heading for his village Shaath.Al-Manar martyrs

Martyr Mohammad Mantash, cameraman, will be escorted to his final place in his southern village, Kfar Seer, at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the funeral of the technician martyr, Halim Allaw, is to take place on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in Hermel.

The three colleagues were martyred on Monday after terrorists in Maaloula opened fire at their vehicles while they were covering the liberation of the Syrian Christian town.

Two other colleagues were injured in the incident, Cameraman Mohammad Qassas and assistant cameraman Jaafar Hasan.

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