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Iranian Top Generals Say Zionist Regime is in its Final Stages

Iran's highest ranking military leaders have declared that Israel is in its waning days, as the Islamic world continues to exhibit unwavering backing for Palestine on International Quds Day.

On Friday, Muslims from Iran and other countries around the world marched in solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemned the injustices of Israel.

At the rallies, a number of Iranian commanders of high rank spoke, indicating that the invaders were soon to be defeated.

At a rally in Tabriz, northwest Iran, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, chief commander of the Iranian Army, declared that Quds Day symbolizes the importance of Palestine in the Muslim world, as it is not only about the occupation, but serves as a sign of confrontation between Muslims and the arrogance front.

He warned that the enemies of Islam are utilizing powerful propaganda to try and prevent Muslims from engaging with the Palestinian issue, so that the “Zionist regime which kills children” can keep up its atrocities.

He implored, “How can any liberty-minded individual observe the atrocities committed by this government and not speak out against it?”

He asserted that protecting Palestine is of the utmost importance for regional stability, and that the downfall of the government would certainly bring peace and safety to the area.

He stated that the Zionist regime is nearing its end, emphasizing that the balance of power has shifted towards the resistance in the last few months.

At a demonstration in Isfahan, Major General Hossein Salami, the chief commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), declared that “A new life has been breathed into the Palestinian movement.”

He noted that operations are taking place in both the West Bank and Tel Aviv, and that the regime has surrounded itself with walls and is equipped with advanced security systems, yet these measures have not been able to stop the flow of weapons to the West Bank or the actions of Palestinian combatants.

Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Radan, Iran’s chief of police, declared that backing Palestine is a religious obligation while addressing reporters at rallies in Tehran.

He stated that taking part in the International Quds Day demonstrations is seen as a religious obligation, as many have suffered from oppression and Muslims have a responsibility to back the victims and confront the oppressor.

Instead of stones, rockets are being used.

Brigadier General Kioumars Heidari declared at a rally in Kermanshah, west of Iran, that the Palestinian youth have progressed from fighting the Zionist regime with stones to being capable of launching hundreds of rockets at any given moment. Heidari proclaimed that “no point in the occupied territories is safe from the rockets of the Islamic Republic of Iran and resistance forces.”

Today, the Israeli regime has become increasingly divided and its officials have acknowledged that if these conditions continue, they may not make it to the next decade.

In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini, the renowned spiritual leader to Muslims around the world, declared that the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan would be known as International Quds Day. This is just one of the many legacies Khomeini left behind after leading an Islamic Revolution and overthrowing the US-backed Shah of Iran.

Quds Day demonstrations this year had even greater significance due to the desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque by the occupying forces during Ramadan, a holy month, as well as the regime’s plans for Judaization.

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