
Iraqi resistance hits target in Israeli settlement of ‘Eilat’

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it has stricken a target in the city of Umm Rashrash, also known as Eilat, in the southern part of Occupied Palestine in retaliation for Israel’s genocidal war in the besieged Gaza Strip.

 “The fighters of Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted a target in the occupied Umm Rashrash (Eilat) using the appropriate weapons,” the movement said in a statement on Friday.

The attack comes “in support of our people in Gaza and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against the civilian Palestinians.”

However, Israeli media reports claimed that Jordan foiled a drone attack launched by the Iraqi resistance forces on Umm Rashrash, as it intercepted the aircraft in its airspace.

Israel launched the war on Gaza on October 7 after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas waged the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in response to the Israeli regime’s decades-long violence against Palestinians.

Since the start of the offensive, the Tel Aviv regime has killed over 20,000 Palestinians and injured more than 52,600 others.

Thousands more are also missing and presumed dead under the rubble in Gaza, which is under “complete siege” by Israel.

In a recent development, two Israeli soldiers were killed in Gaza as fighting raged between the Palestinian resistance fighters and the invading Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli military identified them as Tal Shua and Shai Ayeli. According to the statement, Ayeli, 21 was killed in northern Gaza, while Shua was killed in fighting in the southern part of Gaza.

Meanwhile, anti-US sentiments are also running high across the region over Washington’s firm support for the Israeli onslaught against Palestinians in the besieged strip.

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