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Job losses trigger British student protests

An increase in youth unemployment has widely triggered recent student protests in Britain with new figures revealing a fourfold rise in youth joblessness.

Campaigners cited new figures saying that youth unemployment has witnessed a fourfold rise since the recession started, making it a “major spur” of recent nationwide protests.

Tens of thousands of school, college and university students as well as trade unionists and ordinary people have joined in three rounds of nationwide protests this month against a raft of issues including an increase in university tuition fees, cuts to education and public services.

Analysts believe the UK police have gone too far in their attempts to contain protesters using “excessive force” against school children some of whom are 13 or 14 years old.

A report by the Prince’s Trust and RBS revealed that the number of young people claiming jobseeker’s allowance jumped from 5,840 in 2008 to over 25,800 this year.

The staggering increase has left Britain with youth unemployment rates soaring above those elsewhere in Europe and costs the economy up to £155 million a week.

“With job cuts instead of job creation from business and government alike, what is the future for young people?” asked Youth Fight for Jobs chairman Ben Robinson.

“It is this worry that is also one of the major spurs for the movement of students currently protesting against education cuts. This is a generation that is being forced to fight for its future”, he said.

Meanwhile, Trade Union Congress (TUC) general secretary Brendan Barber said: “A million young people lost their jobs in the recession, crucial education and job support schemes have been scrapped and they’ll soon be priced out of going to university.

“It’s no wonder young people are angry about being left high and dry by this government,” said Barber.

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