EconomyNorth America

Planned budget cuts protested in LA

52d5b8bbc55e6bc522e7bfe6290a592d_LProtesters have staged a demonstration in the US state of California in protest against the government’s planned budget cuts despite President Barack Obama’s previous promises of change.

According to Press TV, the demonstration in Los Angeles was the first in a series of planned protests to call on US Congress to take action.
The protest came before March 1, when several budget cuts will automatically be made to social security along with other vital programs in the country.
The demonstrators called for an end to what they described as ‘job killing budget cuts’. They added that the US government continues to serve the interests of the one percent by cutting benefits and other fundamental services for millions of Americans.
The protesters voiced their outrage at Obama’s proposed cuts to social services at a time when the US citizens are in need of jobs.
The demonstrator also urged the US president Obama to use his power to assist the Americans and highlighted that “the government is to govern over the people to help the people not hurt the people.”
The planned cutbacks are part a package that a

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