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POSTERS: Key points of Leader’s meeting with the President of Russia

World events show Iran and Russia’s need for increasing mutual cooperation. This cooperation is deeply beneficial to both countries. The numerous memorandums of understanding and contracts between the two, including in oil and gas sectors, should be followed up and fulfilled to the end.

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Iran’s stance is opposition to a military attack on Syria, such an action should be prevented. Another important issue in Syria is the usurping of fertile, oil-rich regions to the east of the Euphrates by the Americans. This should be solved by expelling them from the region.

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NATO is a dangerous entity. The West is totally opposed to a strong, independent Russia. If the way is opened for NATO, it will recognize no limits. If it hadn’t been stopped in Ukraine, it would have later started a similar war in Crimea.

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Iran and Russia’s long-term cooperation is greatly, deeply beneficial to both countries. You, Mr. Putin, and our President are people who take action and follow up on it. Thus, cooperation between the two countries should reach a peak in this period.

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