Confessions& EvidencesEnemies of SyriaSyriaTurkey

Israel have saved the lives of at least 2000 Nusra terrorists at the cost of $13 million


The Al-Nusra Front, Syria’s Al-Qaeda branch, who are the dominant opposition force along the Syria-Israel border have confirmed its collaboration with Israel. Although non-mainstream have been reporting on this collaboration for at least three years, on Tuesday, the Daily Mail exposed a video of Israeli commandos entering Syrian territory to rescue several wounded Al-Nusra militants and retreating to aid the terrorists within Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
The report revealed that Israel have saved the lives of at least 2000 militants at the cost of $13 million. Although Israel have limited their involvement in the Syrian war to airstrikes against Syrian government and Hezbollah positions, this new action shows direct cooperation with them and Islamist forces.

Press TV claim that the Syrian army has repeatedly seized huge quantities of Israeli-made weapons and advanced military equipment from the foreign-backed militants inside Syria. Israel insists that the dangerous operations are humanitarian efforts, and that it hopes to “win hearts and minds” in Syria. “My dream is that one day, the Red Cross will say, thanks guys, we’ll take it from here, you go back to your unit and take care of injured Israelis,” said Lt. Col. Itzik Malka, commander of the medical branch of the Golani Brigade. “I am proud of what we are doing here, but it is a great burden. For every Syrian in hospital, there is one less bed for an Israeli. One day we will have to make a choice between an Israeli life and a Syrian one. When that happens it will be hard, but I have to say my first duty will be to Israelis,” he said.


In speaking with the Daily Mail, Islamist fighters had interesting things to say about Israel. 20-year-old Mohammed, whose leg had been all but destroyed by fire from a Russian-made ‘Dushka’ heavy machine gun, agreed. “Thanks to Israel for letting me in. The butcher Assad is my enemy. Israel is not my enemy. The one who treats you is not your enemy.”

23 year old Ahmed who was recovering from a gunshot wound to the groin said: “I will not fight against Israel in the future. Israel looks after wounded people better than the Arabs. The Arabs are dogs. Before I came here, I wouldn’t have said this. But there are many people who got injured and came to Israel for treatment, and they told me about it. I feel safe here in Israel. But when I am well again, I will go back and fight.”

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