
Assad’s 3-stage plan for Syrian crisis

Assad's 3-stage plan for Syrian crisis
In his today’s speech, Assad presented his 3-stage plan for solving the crisis in Syria.
President Bashar al-Assad, who was addressing the audience in Syrian Upper Chamber of Parliament, which was broadcasted live by many TV channels, said that Syria faces unprecedented war, “today, we are here while Syria is full of sorrow and happiness has been evasive,” he added. “Syria faces an unprecedented attack to itself,” he said.

Assad also asserted that today the war is not the power struggle, but it is between country and its enemies, ‘people fight the enemies.’

“They are taking revenge on Syrian people, since people did not give in to Syria’s disintegration. Every revolution needs thinkers, while there is no such thinker and commander in Syrian crisis… the revolution should work for the people’s interests, not the interest of enemies of the people,” the president added.

“Many non-Syrian fighters have entered Syria for Jihad and we are fighting these Takfiri fighters,” he said. Assad also believed that they had gone far from the Islamic teachings, “terrorist entering Syria is dangerous for us, but their defeat is possible through courage and will. We must unite against terrorism,” he continued.

Syrian President also emphasized upon Syrian standing firm and said that this worked for western chagrin, so westerners worked for taking revenge on Syrians.

Assad expressed his gratitude for China, Russia and Iran for their support for Syrian integrity and independence and added that “I express my appreciation for Russia, China and Iran for their support to our integrity.”

“Defending the country is a duty, and we have opted for a military solution for that. This is not to say that we have abandoned political solution and reform,” he said. “On the one hand, we have done reforms and on the other, we have fought against terrorism for Syrian borders,” Assad believed.

“We welcome every initiative for solving the crisis. We will not accept puppet solutions made by the west and dictated by the west,” he emphasized.

Assad also presented his 3-stage plan and said that crisis in Syria is solved in many stages. “The first stage of a political solution would require that regional powers stop funding and arming [the opposition], an end to terrorist operations and controlling the borders,” he said.

He asserted that every initiative for solving Syrian crisis is welcomed, but it might not mean that terrorist acts are tolerated. “If foreigners are true in their attempt in solving Syrian crisis, they should stop provision of arms for fighting rebels,” he added.

“Transitional period is moving from instability toward stability. We will respect any initiative for preserving Syrian integrity,” Assad said. “The national charter, agreed upon through national dialogue, must be supported by people’s votes in referendum,” he asserted.

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