
Was Ankara bombing decided during Erdogan’s meeting with Zionist lobbies?

Was Ankara bombings decided during Erdogan’s meeting with Zionist lobbies?

ankara bombing 2

SHOCKING!!! Embassy of USA in Ankara had warned its people about the Ankara blast 2 days before the blast

Embassy of USA in Ankara had warned its people about the Ankara blast 2 days before the blast !!!
No need to write more because everything is clear. They even know the exact place of the bombing. Did Erdogan warn his brother Obama to inform American citizens? why did not they warn Turkish people?
Down with enemies of humanity who never give importance to the life of people who are not Zionists.

Do you know why Turkish government always put media ban after any explosion in Turkey? Shortly, they prevent people from taking any videos, photos of the scene because it is possible people can reach many details by those images of the area. Turkish government does this by the special forces who were already ready there. How? Did they have information of the blast? Did they know the explosion beforehand? Is it them who put the bomb there?
Death toll is much more higher than the published one by Government.

After Ankara bombing again the social media was restricted by Turkish authority. These bombings always target media. Why? To hide what? They prevent people form reaching the truth.
screenshot-turkey usembassy gov 2016-03-14 08-25-08

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