
Sayyed Safieddine: Events in Syria Aim At Striking Resistance Axis

sayyedhashem3Head of Hizbullah’s Executive Board, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine reiterated, “Events in Syria today are not a coincidence and aim at weakening Syria to strike the resistance axis.”

During a cultural and artistic ceremony on the blessed occasion of Sayyeda Fatima’s birth (Prophet Mohammad’s daughter-pbut) entitled “In Fatima’s Light”, Sayyed Safieddine stressed, “Palestine and the Palestinian cause is the nation’s property.”

His Eminence clarified that the region is required to execute “the submission plot” that targets Syria and then moves on to other axes; however Syria’s enemies are “incapable of ending the crisis there.”

“As the resistance broke all agreements of disgrace, it is also able to abolish this conspiracy,” he added.

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