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Israel tail wagging US dog


Press TV has conducted an interview with Mark Glenn, Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement in Idaho about the issue of Israel asking for an increase in US aid for military modernization yet already receives 30 billion dollars every year of US tax payer money despite economic recession in the US. The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Tell us about this situation, let’s start off about Israel talking to Washington about an increased amount of aid in these very tough economic times for the average American.

Glenn: Politicians that the American people selected do not care about the well-being of the American people. As you noted we’re going through difficult economic times here in the United States. Certainly that money would be better spent here at home creating jobs and keeping people in their homes and with their families.

And yet this money is being used to go to a state that cannot exist without living in a state of war with her neighbors.

I think the more troubling implications of this however is that 30 billion dollars is quite a chunk of change – and all of it in military hardware. So, what is Israel planning to do with all of that military hardware that she needs this in such a rapid fashion.

Are we talking about a new war in the Middle East between Israel and her neighbors?
Are we talking about escalating situations that are going to drag the United States to even more military conflict in the region?

It’s very troubling on many fronts, certainly the founding fathers who set this country in motion 230-plus years ago could never envision that something like this would happen that they have to be rolling their graves.

Press TV: Let’s look at this situation, there are many that say Tel Aviv actually is just sort of doing the dirty work for Washington, for example, you said with this new aid package where they get more military hardware and perhaps they are going to start another war or expand current wars, many say at the… basically it’s something that Washington wants; however, the other side of the coin basically says that it is Tel Aviv that leads Washington. Your take on this alliance.

Glenn: I think it is a tug of war that for the most part Israel wins hands down most of the time.

What we have here are divergent interests. Right now there are pro-Zionist interests that are in control of the Obama administration who would like to see things kind of cool down a little bit because the previous eight years under George Bush did a lot to unmask the nature of what Jewish power has been able to achieve in the United States. So they would like things to kind of cool down, calm down a little bit, have the American people get back to sleep.

Netanyahu and his party, however, are not interested or they’re not worried about things cooling down they want to push forward as quickly and as drastically as possible.

And so in this tug of war that is taking place right now is why you have the Obama administration supporting what we would call fourth generation warfare such as the revolution of Syria and Libya rather than overt military force involving American forces.

So, in the long run the fact of the matter is that no politician in Washington gets elected without having the stamp of approval by the Israeli lobby and so in that respect what we have to conclude is that in terms of our imagery here of the dog and the tail, certainly the tail is Israel and it does wag the dog, meaning the United States.

Press TV: How optimistic are you that the American people are becoming more and more aware of this situation and perhaps will soon be pressuring its government to change its policies in dealing with Tel Aviv?

Glenn: Well, I think that the more our economic problems increase; the more we find ourselves losing our freedoms, which is the result of … that we have with Israel – if the American people are going to wake up.

Now, if you’re asking me if the American people are going to wake up before some disaster befalls us, I would say that it’s too late for that.

When you look at what has been done to our economy; what has been done to our standing around the world; when we look at our lost freedoms, the disaster is already well in place.

Do I believe the American people will wake up? Yes I do believe eventually they will, but I don’t think soon enough to forestall a disaster that’s already…

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