
Video- Terrorist FSA member got treatment in Ankara Numune State Hospital

Two civilians person with long-barreled automatic weapon plainclothes brought an injured terrorists fighting against Syrians to Ankara Numune Hospital. They claimed that they were Turkish soldiers although they do not have either army uniform or identity cards. They told the doctor that they were ordered to bring and deliver the injured terrorist for treatment.

At first, the doctor refused to examine the terrorist but then the armed man told him that some intelligence members are about to come and deliver the official order of treatment.

How can they have treatment and why do not police officers arrest those gun men?

This question and many other questions still stay unanswered. How can an armed man walk in a central place where high security precautions are implemented. Why do not security guards and officials interfere and ask them who they are?

The Turkish PM has been denying all the allegations that they are backing terrorists destroying Syria, killing Syrians. This picture clearly shows that Turkish government is helping enemies of Syria with its best and that the remarks mentioned above are totally lie.

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