
Bayer Ceo: We found the solution of cancer, but only for rich(zionists) not for poor!















Bayer Ceo Marjin Dekkers confessed that they had already found the solution tablets for cancer disease. But more importantly he added that this cure was only for the rich(zionists) not for Indians(Muslims,Christians or others.
He also said that the cost is 67 dollars and only rich(zionists) can buy their solution for cancer.

As most of the rich personalities, enriched by israel dominant media,press,trade.. organs, are known to be jews, we understood that rich in this context can be understood as zionist rich.

zionist ideology..

More than half of the world is equal to 85 people and everthing is for them. The rest is inhuman(!)

In a recent survey, it was revealed that 85 people’s total wealth was equal to 3,5 billion people’s total income and wealth.So we can easily understand who BAYER and other zionist owned pharmacy firms want to cure with the drugs they developed.

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