
Syrian army advances in Qalamoun, terrorists flee to Lebanon

Syrian army improves in Qalamoun, rebels flee to Lebanon

A major Syrian army operation in west of the country has pushed scores of militants feeling toward the Lebanese border, as the army improves strongly to get over with securing west of the country.
Syrian army forces have been engaged in widespread operations for clearing the strategic mountainous region of Qalamoun, located in north of Damascus, after the army retook control of the town of Yabrud.
Yabrud was the last major militant stronghold in the region.
Syrian troops have been on the operation over the past months there, aiming to cut militant lines across the border.
In Thursday operations, dozens of wounded militants have crossed into Lebanon, seeking medical aid.
Hospital sources said eight of them either arrived dead or died after arrival.
The Syrian army has been making more gains in its three-year-long battle against foreign-backed militants.
On Wednesday, the Syrian army took full control of the town of Ras al-Ain, also in Qalamoun region. The town was under control of foreign-backed militants for months.
Syria sank into war in March 2011 when pro-reform protests turned into a massive insurgency following the intervention of Western and regional states.
The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

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