
Syrian Army Captures Bardaan Area from ISIS on Sakr Island


The Syrian Arab Army’s 104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard (Al-Harss Al-Jamhouri) captured the Badraan area on the besieged Sakr Island in the Deir Ezzor Governorate earlier today. The operation began at 4:45 A.M., when members of the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the 104th Brigade attacked an Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) garrison, killing scores of militants and destroying a hideout during the swift onslaught that led to the capture of this area. According to a military source, over 25 ISIS militants were killed during this operation, including an Iraqi named “Abu Mohannad Al-Muslimiyyah”.

Yesterday, an ISIS member attempted a suicide attack on an SAA checkpoint on Sakr Island; however, the unknown assailant was unsuccessful due to an early detonation of his car bomb. The suicide attacker could not be identified by the SAA on the scene – sources believe he is a foreigner, but cannot confirm his country of origin at the moment. The attack caused minimal damage and wounded 1 SAA soldier that received immediate treatment following the explosion.

The captured and killed ISIS militants identified at Sakr Island:

KIA ISIS fighters:

1. ‘Attallah Jassim Al-Nazaal
2. Ibrahim Ayman Al-Harbi (Saudi)
3. Uthman Mohammad Sa’eed
4. Fouad ‘Abdel-Razzouq Saleh

Captured ISIS fighters:

1. Qusay Haatim
2. Fayaz ‘Abboush
3. Nasseem ‘Issa
4. Saaher Tamaam
5. Kaassar Shareeda
6. Khodor Fayad
7. Qayss ‘Abdel-Samid
8. ‘Azzaam Ibrahim
9. Sa’adaldeen Yousif

Source: Almasdarnews

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