Human RightsNorth America

US police brutality likely to aggravate: Analyst


A human rights activist says the aggressive attitude of the US police toward African Americans is likely to further aggravate, Press TV reports.

Anjamu Baraka told Press TV in a televised interview that the current anti-racism protests across the US may make the police’s attitude even more hostile as New York’s Police Federation has announced that they consider themselves to be at war.

“[It] is a strange position since the person who is responsible for the killing of the two police [officers] was dead; we raise the question, ‘Who are you at war with?’ Well, the issue is that they are at war with us [Blacks] in New York and really all across the country. So we expect that the attitudes will sharpen,” Baraka said.

He said that black communities do not foresee bright times in 2015.

“I expect it to get worse but it is going to also be met by intense and increased resistance from communities… So, we don’t see 2015 getting any better for the human rights crisis that African-Americans are experiencing in the US,” he said.

Last Saturday, two uniformed New York City Police Department officers were shot in an ambush by a gunman as they sat in their marked police car in a Brooklyn street corner.

Some US investigators have suggested that the attacker sought revenge for the police killing of two unarmed African-Americans, Michael Brown and Eric Garner.

The deaths have increased fear about police safety nationwide. Police departments and unions went on alert on Monday, warning rank-and-file police officers to wear bulletproof vests and avoid posting inflammatory statements on social media.

Several recent killings of unarmed black men by white police officers and decisions by grand juries not to indict the officers responsible for the killings have triggered large-scale protests across the US.

Police brutality and the excessive use of force in the US have become a major concern in recent years.

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