
Syrian Army, NDF Continue to Advance against ISIL West of Raqqa



The Syrian Army troops and National Defense Forces (NDF) continued to push the ISIL back from more positions and restored security to more lands near al-Tabaqa region.

The Syrian government forces hit the ISIL defense lines near the villages of Harbiyat and Anbaj in al-Tabaqa energy-rich region.



The Syrian army and its allies registered very good records of victories against the ISIL and liberated at least 57 kilometers of Ithriya road to al-Rasafeh in Easter Badiyeh (desert).

Battlefield sources have announced that al-Safih triangle located near al-Habbari oilfield is now under the full control of the Syrian army and its allies.

In relevant developments in the province on Saturday, The Syrian military troops repelled ISIL’s attacks on their positions along a road connecting Ithriya in Hama and al-Tabaqa in Raqqa province, inflicting a heavy death toll on the militants.

The Syrian soldiers fended off the ISIL attacks to capture the recently-liberated Syriatel tower, which also claimed the lives of several terrorist.

The ISIL tried to capture the tower to cut the road and bypass the government forces who captured al-Rasafeh crossroad on Friday.

Syriatel tower and its surroundings are under the full control of the army.

The ISIL suffered a heavy death toll in the army’s heavy fire, and some of the militants were also captured by the army men.

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