West AsiaYemen

Economic crisis in Yemen raises panic during Ramadan


In Yemen, the holy month of Ramadan is arriving at a time when millions of people are struggling to buy food amid an economic crisis which has resulted in a dramatic rise in food prices.
Many Yemeni families who cannot afford to buy food, are in danger of going hungry this month. This comes as the government has failed to recover the economy or provide aid relief programs to those affected. Khalid Ahmed, a local store owner says it breaks his heart to raise food prices for his customers. However, he says, he has no other way as prices of other supplies have increased. Many here are warning that public discontent will increase further, if the government fails to improve the economy and subsequently the living conditions of people. Some even warn that the current leaders might face the same fate as that of former dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. He was toppled following months-long protests against corruption and poor economic conditions. Statistics by the UN world food program indicate that 90 percent of Yemeni households are affected by high prices of food. The number is expected to even go higher during the holy month of Ramadan when top business men seek to double their food profits.

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