
Sheikh Salman Says Conflict in Bahrain “No Longer Political”

Sheikh_Salman_1The Secretary General of the Islamic National Association, Sheikh Ali Salman, said Wednesday that the conflict in Bahrain is no longer political as in Kuwait, yet sectarian due to the regime mentality and practices.

“The public institution in Bahrain deal with the people as Shiites, not as Bahrainis,” he said Eid al-Adha sermon.

“This public mentality has been pervasive since 1970’s as the regime consider that the people are enemies and have to be faced,” sheikh Salman added.

“The mercenaries, not the Bahrainis, have been always taking the high posts in the ministries of defense, information, interior and foreign affairs since the state was established.”

“We must not give up as we are not weak. We can resort to the samples of people who achieved victory after confronting the challenge.”

Sheikh Salman asserted the importance of education to cope with the blackout and called on social as well as economic collaboration to protect the country and to defend it against the division conspiracies.

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