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Sayyed Nasrallah: Marking Ashura Enhances Benefiting from History for Sake of Future Prospects

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered Thursday a speech during the televised first Ashura Night ceremony broadcast by Al-Manar TV Channel, stressing that the historical study of Karbala events clarifies our future prospects.

Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned a number of examples about the importance of studying the history of the enemies in order to know how to confront them, including the Israelis, the Americans, and the pro-US Arab regimes.

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that despite the Israeli claims about their religious rights and history  in Palestine contradicts with the first conference they held before establishing their entity, adding that they had other choices to carry out their scheme, including Argentina, Uganda, etc.

Hezbollah leader also highlighting the terrorist nature of the USA which was established after committing genocides against the aboriginals, confirming that relying on the US administration to regain rights from ‘Israel’ is fruitless because both have the same essence.

Sayyed Nasrallah also mentioned that it is not surprising that some Arab regimes are rushing to normalize relations with the Zionist entity because their figures have accepted to be enslaved by the Americans for a long time.

It is worth noting that Hezbollah has decided to hold the Ashura ceremonies via the media outlets and avoid congregations exceptionally this year in the  context of the anti-coronavirus measures.

The occasion, known as Ashura, marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and 72 of his companions in 680 AD in a land that is known today as Iraq, after they refused to pledge allegiance to the tyrant Yazid.

Ashura is the culmination of a 10-day annual mourning period in the lunar month of Muharram for the third Imam of Shia Muslims, who was a grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him).

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