
Terrorists Suffer Heavy Defeats in Clashes with Syrian Army in Eastern Damascus


The Syrian Army troops fended off terrorist groups’ heavy attack on their positions in Eastern Ghouta on Tuesday, inflicting major losses on the militants.

The army units engaged in heavy fighting with terrorists in the town of Arbin after the latter group attacked the pro-government forces’ positions in the Military-Technical Institute near the Vehicles Management Center near the town of Harasra in Eastern Ghouta.

Also, the army’s artillery and missile units and aircraft pounded terrorists’ movements and positions in Harasta and the Vehicles Management Center.

In the meantime, a field source said that Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Rahman, Jeish al-Islam and  Al-Nusra Front (Tahrir al-Sham Hay’at or the Levant Liberation Board) had participated in the attack on army positions in the Vehicles Management Center but failed and suffered major losses.

They added that the army has killed over 30 terrorists in the last three days of clashes in Harasta.

In relevant developments on Sunday the army soldiers clashed with the terrorists that attacked their positions in al-Balaliyeh and al-Nashabiyeh regions in Eastern Ghouta and warded off their offensive.

The army units killed or wounded over 20 terrorists in the clashes.

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