
Pakistani Regime- backed takfirists attack on Pakistan Shia funeral

At least two people have been killed and several others hurt in Pakistan’s port city of Karachi after gunmen opened fire on mourners attending a funeral held for the victims of a recent attack on Shia Muslims, Press TV reports.

Officials said armed assailants shot and killed two participants of the Shia funeral procession near Al-Asif square in Karachi’s Sohrab Goth area on Monday.

The violent incident took place as mourners were returning from the funeral ceremony.

Behind the scene Pakistani Regime is helping the takfirists to kill shia muslims. There is no attack towards other muslims in Pakistan but shiites and this is to create a chaos and make division among muslims. Pakistani Regime non stop helping those brutal takfirists who resembles the killer of Imam Ali a.s. These brutal acts are happening under the protection and command of US. US assassination drone are another part of the game and despite all these obvious proves that the US monitor the massacre in Pakistan, the Pakistani Regime do nothing but continue so- called anti-US slogans.

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