
Syrian Army liberates Hayyan Gas Fields in west Palmyra


It took nearly one to do it, but the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) finally liberated the strategic Hayyan Gas Fields after a swift advance in western Palmyra (Tadmur) today.

Led by the 5th Legion and Shaheen Group, the Syrian Arab Army managed to liberate the Hayyan Gas Fields today after advancing west from the recently captured Jihar Crossroad.

The Jihar Crossroad, which is 40km west of Palmyra, was considered the last important point before the Hayyan Gas Fields; once it was liberated this week, it was just a matter of time before the Syrian Arab Army was going to seize gas fields.

Prior to retreating from the Hayyan Gas Fields, the Islamic State terrorists completely destroyed the gas company site, leaving millions in government-held Syria without gas during these frigid months.

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