Human RightsPalestineWest Asia

Death of Palestinian Cancer Patient Prisoner Sparks Hunger Strike in Zionist Jai


Around 3,000 Palestinian prisoners in the Zionist jails started a hunger strike on Tuesday following news that a fellow cancer patient prisoner hTurabiad died because of the Israeli medical negligence.

Hasan Turabi, a cancer-stricken Palestinian prisoner, passed away in the Israeli Afula hospital due to medical negligence.

The Palestinian Center for the Defense of Liberties & Civil Rights “Hurryat” held the Israeli Government, the Israeli Prison Services (IPS) and their medical team responsible for the death of prisoner Hassan Al-Turabi as a victim of the deliberate medical negligence policy practiced against political prisoners in Israeli jails.

Hurryat revealed that the Israeli occupation forces had arrested Hassan Abdel -Halim Abdel-Qader al-Turabi on the January 7th 2013 before the authorities invalidated his arrest orders on Oct. 16, 2013 after the deterioration of his health; however he wasn’t released; instead he was transferred from Megiddo prison to the Intensive Care Unit in Affula hospital.

Hurryyat considered the death of prisoner Hassan al-Turabi a crime against humanity according to the international law and the international humanitarian law.

“The death of 22 years old prisoner Hassan al-Turabi is a tocsin threatening the lives of ailing prisoners.”

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