North AmericaHuman Rights

“World Never Forgets Canada’s Abuse of Indigenous People’s Rights”

Deputy Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Zahra Ershadi condemned the politically-tainted human rights resolution drafted by Canada against Iran, saying that the world will not forget violation of the indigenous Canadian people's rights.

Ershadi made the remarks, addressing the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on November 17.

“The biased and non-constructive draft resolution, on which the third committee is about to take action, is an insincere and indefensible political move. Replete with factual errors, the draft resolution marks selective and politicized distortion of the realities on the ground and unmasks the deliberate hostile policy of incitement to Iranophobia. Like any other country-specific resolutions under this agenda item, Iran has clearly rejected this draft resolution since it was first introduced,” she said.

“An examination of the list of the draft resolution’s main sponsors – namely Canada, the United States, the child-killer Israeli regime and certain Western countries – exposes the fact that the main proponents of racism, occupation, and those behind the abhorrent murder of indigenous peoples have come together to lecture others on human rights.”

“The West may choose silence over Canada’s horrendous crimes, but history will never forget that in the so-called land of the free, thousands of indigenous children were sexually abused, killed and dumped in mass graves,” Ershadi added.

“The United States has also earned its place in the history books, as systematic attacks on people of African descent, Muslims and Asian Americans continue with no end in sight. The US police have even taken a step forward and strangle African Americans in broad daylight.”

Asking how can the draft resolution be taken seriously when the child-killer Israeli regime continues to commit all core international crimes,” the Iranian envoy said, “The international community must hold the Israeli regime accountable for shedding the blood of countless Palestinian people.”

“In an attempt to whitewash its vicious campaign of genocide, Canada has colluded with the Special Rapporteur on the [so-called] Situation of Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran and invited him to a session in order to support its baseless allegations and lobby against my Country. It reminds us of a famous Iranian proverb about fox’s trickery, which says: They asked the fox who is your witness? He said, my tail. The proverb applies to one who brings his own dependents as evidence to testify in his favor. FACT, a culprit cannot call a complicit as a witness to the court.”

“The majority of Member States have repeatedly rejected the manipulation of human rights for political objectives, and have insisted on the imperative of the promotion and protection of human rights in all countries through constructive dialogue, engagement and cooperation. Unfortunately, in many cases these principles are not upheld, and these important mechanisms have mostly failed to fulfill their duties,” Ershadi said.

She noted that Iran has repeatedly called for engaging in a respectful and equitable dialogue so as to grasp inescapable facts on the ground, adding, “Our endeavors have unfortunately fallen on deaf ears because the cosponsors seem to be rather more interested in scoring political points by instrumentalization of human rights. In addition, the Iranian Government has made all efforts and taken necessary measures to further promote and protect human rights. My Government is also fulfilling its obligations within the framework of the UN human rights mechanisms, including the Universal Periodic Review.” “Iran has always shown its determination and willingness to contribute to promotion and protection of human rights, and remain committed to cooperating with Member States as well as UN human rights mechanisms. We will continue to do so despite all the malevolence.”

“In light of the foregoing, it is needless to reiterate the fact that the draft resolution on Iran has nothing to do with human rights. I would like to therefore ask for a recorded vote on draft resolution L.28, in the sincere hope that representatives here today will choose the right path by saying no to it. It is time to express our strong objection to the soi-disant human rights champions who are hell-bent on fettering other sovereign States through tampering, subterfuge, fraud and misinformation,” she concluded.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh also condemned the Canadian government’s motion to draft a human rights resolution against Iran, saying that it includes repeated baseless allegations.

He stressed that such human rights resolutions against Iran is the repetition of baseless allegations based on false information and dishonest generalizations.

Iran condemns the moves of the Government of Canada and the other founders of this resolution, Khatibzadeh said, adding that this is a clear example of the misuse of transcendent human rights values ​​to achieve short-sighted political motives, and it has no legal effect.

Iranian senior diplomat called on the Canadian authorities to work to improve their domestic and international inhumane moves.

Saying that Canadian officials must stop the regime’s systematic policy of genocide against Indigenous Canadians, he added that they also should be held accountable for complicity in the Zionist regime’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

A group of countries in October called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to continue to attend to serious violations of the rights of indigenous people in Canada and take necessary actions to push the Canadian government to correct its mistakes.

Delivering a joint statement on behalf of a group of like-minded countries at the ongoing 48th session of the UNHRC, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese Mission to United Nations (UN) Office in Geneva, told the Council that Canada has for a long time pursued policies of ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide against indigenous people.

From the 1830s to the 1990s, Jiang said, an estimated 150,000 indigenous children were forcibly taken away from their parents and sent to residential schools in the country.

“These indigenous children lived in harsh conditions and suffered malnutrition, many falling victim to forced labor, abuse and rape. Some even became living medical experiments against humanity. At least 4,000 indigenous children in residential schools died of abnormal death,” the joint statement said.

The joint statement said that more than 600 indigenous communities are segregated by the Canadian government in 3,000 small and scattered “reservations” without sufficient infrastructure, job opportunities, even safe drinking water, arguing that Canada has been persistently wiping out the languages and culture of indigenous people.

The joint statement also told the Council that indigenous communities have long suffered systemic discrimination in society, and that the living conditions of indigenous people in Canada are deteriorating.

“The policy of genocide against indigenous people has become one of the root causes of systemic inequality, racism and racial discrimination in Canada today,” the statement said.

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